Monday 24 October 2011

It's Sweep!

This is Sweep, my sister's gorgeous little spotty monster.  He's been lame recently, not too bad, just a bit sore, and I thought I'd share some pictures of him.

 He looks so prehistoric!

 With Vento and Jolly.

 Looking happy for once.
 And to finish, Vento, Merlin and Jolly messing around.  Jolly did an ENORMOUS buck in Merlin's face, but he was unperturbed by her moment of madness and didn't look hugely bothered.  Look, all four hooves off the ground!!


  1. Eeeee! *squishes*
    I can has spotteh poneh? ;D I didn't realise he was so wonderfully chunky!

  2. Yup, he's a little pudgy pony ;) And no, you can't have him!!

    By the way, y'know the 70s foals Annabel mentioned on her blog? I'm getting one like Sweep!!
