Friday, 23 December 2011

Long time, no see.

It's been a while since I updated my blog, but I haven't forgotten about it!  There's just been nothing to talk about.

I'd like to take the time to mention Counter Canter Photography, my animal photography website.  You can find it on deviantArt as well.

Counter Canter Photography (website)

Counter Canter Photography (deviantArt)

And merry Christmas all!!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Not 'Just A Horse'

I remembered reading this at my friend's house, and after a quick Google search, decided to share it on here.  It sums everything up beautifully.

From time to time, people tell me, 'lighten up, it's just a horse,' or, 'that's a lot of money for just a horse'. They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for 'just a horse.'
Some of my proudest moments have come about with 'just a horse.' Many hours have passed and my only company was 'just a horse,' but I did not once feel slighted.
Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by 'just a horse,' and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of 'just a horse' gave me comfort and reason to overcome the dark.
Those who think it's 'just a horse,' probably also use phrases like 'just a friend,' 'just a sunrise,' or 'just a promise.' 'Just a horse' brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. 'Just a horse' brings out the compassion and patience that makes me a better person.
Because of 'just a horse' I rise early, take long walks, and look longingly to the future. So for me and folks like me, it's not 'just a horse' but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.
'Just a horse' brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.
I hope that someday others have the opportunity to understand that it's not 'just a horse' but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being 'just a woman.'
So the next time you hear the phrase 'just a horse,' smile. You are one of the blessed few who understands.
-Unknown author-

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

New Layout!

Who likes the new red layout?  I certainly do!  It's nice and cosy looking, don't you think?

In other news, I'm now a member of deviantArt!  I joined back in September, but didn't get round to sharing with you guys. 

TheAria on deviantArt

Monday, 24 October 2011

It's Sweep!

This is Sweep, my sister's gorgeous little spotty monster.  He's been lame recently, not too bad, just a bit sore, and I thought I'd share some pictures of him.

 He looks so prehistoric!

 With Vento and Jolly.

 Looking happy for once.
 And to finish, Vento, Merlin and Jolly messing around.  Jolly did an ENORMOUS buck in Merlin's face, but he was unperturbed by her moment of madness and didn't look hugely bothered.  Look, all four hooves off the ground!!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Showing 101 - a recommendation

Showing 101 quickly became a blog in my following list when it was linked to on MHL.  'The Hobby Police' was brought to our attention and was a well written post which highlighted overbearing critics in the model horse hobby, who, instead of providing much-needed encouragement for newer hobbyists starting out in customising/tackmaking/etc, criticise them harshly under the guise of being 'constructive'. 
I decided to investigate a little further, looking at Showing 101's more recent posts.  Finding them mostly helpful, I added it to my following list, and I recommend you do the same.
Admittedly, not all the posts are completely helpful to me, but that's to be expected, since I don't show in the USA, and instead of collecting Breyers, Stones, resins or similar, I collect Julips.  But many of the posts contain useful information which is applicable to all collectors interested in live showing, such as this one
On the sidebar, there is a note saying that some posts are written by guest writers.  Well, credit must go to every single one of the authors, as every single one of the posts are well constructed and conveyed!
Showing101's tagline is 'Everything I wish I'd known before I started showing model horses', and may I say that although you may not have known them then, thank you for sharing them now!
Well worth a visit.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

I rode with the Cumbrian Heavy Horses!!

After reading dizzylizzy's beach ride thread, a quick Google search told me that the Cumbrian Heavy Horses were only about an hour away from where we were staying. Excited by this point, I press-ganged my Mum into booking a ride for us.

I was disappointed to find that we couldn't do the beach ride (all the ride leader has to do is say 'are you...' and before they can say 'ready', the horses are off at a full gallop!) but we decided instead to do a farm ride.

CHH's farm rides last for about two hours and include lots of canters around their private land. Unfortunately, we couldn't take the camera (or my Dad's car keys, which he was a bit annoyed about) on the ride with us, so I didn't get any in-progress photos And by the time we had unearthed it from under the piles of coats in the boot of the car, our horses had been turned out.

HOWEVER! We did get a calendar with a few photos of them in, and if they scan well, I'll upload them soon. And I did get some photos of the others, which are big fluffy lumps of goodness, and I'll post them too.

I rode Gypsy, a 17.1hh Shire/Clydesdale cross, with lovely eyes and a very calm nature. My sister rode Hamish, a 17.3hh Clydesdale who had big sad Eeyore eyes and lovely sabino patches. My Mum had Sparky, surprisingly lazy for his name, and my Dad had a very classy-looking mount called Miracle, Miri for short. We were taken out around the farm by a very horsey, no nonsense lady who rode the smallest horse there, the 'Bonsai horse', Little Roo, who was actually a twin, and if you Google 'Clydesdale twins', he's the smaller of the two. He was 15.2hh, so quite small compared to some of the gorgeous beasties there!! XD

We had a lovely hack around the very scenic valley, with some nice fast comfy canters, both as a group and in pairs. Then, we were asked whether we'd like to have a really fast canter across the fields or go a short way up the Fells. We had a tough choice, but eventually chose the Fells. We marched up the Fells through a few fields of sheep, and then turned and five horses, four achy bottoms, three bombing-offs, two hours and one Fell later, we returned to the yard.

We had packed lunches with us (from the hotel), so we didn't need to stop off at the cafe (marked 'Coffee, cake and Clydesdales!' on the sign, and we then drove off to the beach to eat our lunch. We were a little worried when we heard a loud explosion, especially as there was a nuclear power plant about two miles away, and then found out that it wasn't a nuclear disaster after all. Much relief on our parts, there.

I would DEFINITELY recommend Cumbrian Heavy Horses. They're well worth a visit, if not a ride, if you're in the area. I had a fantastic time, so thank you, dizzylizzy for recommending it to us!

Sorry for the text and no pictures (yet!), and thank you for reading!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Thunderbird's reference sheet

I haven't posted something new in a while, so I thought I'd update my blog with this:

A Thunderbird reference sheet!  It's by far the most ambitious thing I've done with Photoshop Elements 7 so far (the nearest being this:, and I'm overjoyed with how it came out!  I used this lineart (by the very talented WhiteK9 on deviantArt - which unfortunately I'm not a member of) because I was feeling a bit lazy (and I'm not too good at drawing horses yet!).  In my defence, I did do a couple of minor alterations, such as the mane, tail and forelock, but apart from that, thank you WhiteK9 for the incredible lineart!  Thanks! 
If you're wondering who Thunderbird is, he is one of my Julips, a latex model horse in the 1:12th scale.  I bought him from the spares table at Richmond Live Julip Show, and he recently went to the extremely talented dizzylizzy of MHL, along with my Julip Fjord, Yogi, as he had a few rubs to be fixed up.  I did a reference sheet for him back in July (on paper) late at night when I couldn't sleep.  I decided it needed to be computer-ised, so here it is!

Lineart by WhiteK9, coloured in ArtRage 2 and finished off (text etc.) in Photoshop Elements 7.  Enjoy!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

My handwriting is awful...

My handwriting is terrible!
I like this - if anyone could tell me what a 'meme' is, I would appreciate it.
So, this is my handwriting!
Sorry, it wouldn't go any larger, you can do ctrl+ to get it bigger if you want.

By the way, the first one on number 3 is a lower case z, NOT a 3.  But I do tend to do my 3s like that anyway.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Some of my newbies...

...Can be seen here:

I would post them on here, I'd just rather curl up with a hot chocolate and read 'Crookedstar's Promise', Erin Hunter's new book :)

Sunday, 26 June 2011

A quote by me

There is no such thing as an outspoken joke, just freedom of speech.

Friday, 24 June 2011

I wish I were an owl

Just look at these!

Owl 1
Owl 2
Owl 3

And owls are just so swoopy and bird-of-prey-y and graceful and elegant, and gah, I just wish I was one!

Either that or a nice sleepy pussycat.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Procrastination, chocolate and clarinet playing

Mmmm...  Galaxy cookie crumble chocolate...

I have a clarinet concert tomorrow, so I'm procrastinating.  I found this on dA (which ironically I'm not a member of yet) and filled it in.

1. What does your DA name mean and why?Don’t have one, but TheBlackCatKnowsAll is basically my blog name because I wish I was a black cat.

2.What fandom were you obsessed with then and what are you into now?
Ummm…  Dr Who?

3. How many watchers do you have now?
Three at last count.

4. Name three of your favourite artists here on DA.
ElreniaGreenleaf, eclareee and scibie

5. Do you comment fav or both?
Comment, but on Blogspot.  I am not on dA yet.

6. Do you participate in clubs here on DA?
Question 5.

7. What is your most popular submission?
My own beloved pony by EG

8. What are your favourite non-anime shows?
Ummm…  Dr Who?
Wait, déjà vu much?!

9. What are the things you wish you could draw better?
Everything.  Especially horses.

10. Summer or Winter?

11. Rain or Sun?
Rain.  I get sunburn.

12. What’s your favourite type of music?
Classical and jazz.

13. PC or MAC.
PC, every time.

14. Anime or manga?

15. Coke or Pepsi?

16. Read or TV?

17. How many hours a day do you spend on DA?
Browsing, less than one.  I am not a member.

18. Name a talent.
Of mine?  Clarinet?

19. Flash or traditional cartoons?
I like Scooby Doo.

20. What is your favourite fast food restaurant?
I don’t like any.  Pizza Express is my favourite restaurant.

21. What are your top three favourite books?(not mangas)
Manga, yeuch.
I like the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness (Michelle Paver), I Was Jane Austen’s Best Friend (Cora Harrison) and Warriors (Erin Hunter).

22. Wii or Playstation?
Neither.  I am not much of a gamer and I am rubbish at both!!

23. Name 3/5 your favourite bands/singers.
Kathryn Jenkins. 
Leona Lewis.

24. Are you a fast slow or medium typist?

25. Do you like Denny's?
Huh?  What’s Denny’s?

26. What is your favourite smiley?
MHL’s fish slap one

27. What is your favourite type of pie?
Lemon and meringue J

28. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?
Attempted to.  I am a better sleeper than a staying awake-r.

29. Do you go on YouTube a lot?
No, only occasionally to watch EG’s videos.

30. Are you a member on any other sites besides DA?
Lots!  MHL is my favourite.

31. Do you cosplay?

32. Fruits or sweets?
Sweets, I’m afraid!

33. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn?
Salted.  I don’t know why sugar/syrup isn’t in the question.  That is my favourite.

34. Have you skipped school?
Never!  And I never intend to.

35. Have you been on a plane?

36. Have you swum in an ocean?
Does the sea count?

37. Have you been ice skating?
Once.  Never again.

38. What is your favourite vacation spot?

39. Ever been on TV?
I don’t know.

40. Favourite salad and dressing?
Bleurgh, salad.

41. What do you do to relax?
Relax?  What is this relax?

42. What is the last Film you saw in the theatre?
The King’s Speech

43. Favourite sandwich?
Tuna mayo on white bread with no extra stuff.  Bliss!

44. If you could go anywhere in the world...
My yard.

45. Favourite time of the day?
I like it all!

46. What did you want to be when you were little?
A vet.

47. What do you want to be now?
An author.

48. If you could eat with one person who would it be?
My Mum.

49. What character would you hate to be stuck in a room with?
Anyone from Twilight.  They are all so artificial.

50. When is your birthday?
I’m not revealing that on the interwebs!

51. Favourite type of ice-cream?
I LOVE vanilla in lemonade.

52. Last book you read?
Jane Austen Stole My Boyfriend (Cora Harrison).

53. Which store would you max out a credit card at?

54. Do you buy sell both on e-bay?

55. What is the most annoying thing people ask you?
Is your name with an e or an a? 

56. Favourite all time movie?
Pirates of the Caribbean, all of them.

57. What was your favourite show when you were a kid?
Postman Pat.

58. What are you listening to right now?
The background music to a Pippa Funnell PC game from my sister’s computer.

59. What is the last thing you ate?
Chicken and chips.

60. If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
Veeeeeery dark purple.

61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
That they are not the same gender as me.

62. Favourite sport to play?

63. Favourite day of the year?
My birthday.

64. Hugs or kisses?

65. Vanilla or chocolate?
Oh, both!

66. Favourite board game?

67. Favourite smells?
Sweaty horse. 
J  Best smell ever.

68. What inspires you?
Random stuff from the world around me.

69. Do you have any piercings?

70. How many siblings do you have?

71. Bacon bites or croutons?
Croutons, I’ve never even heard of bacon bites.

72. Favourite day of the week?

73. Favourite phrase?
If a black cat crosses your path, it means that the animal is going somewhere. 

74. Favourite restaurant?
Pizza Express.

75. Favourite animal?

76. Favourite thing to do outside?

77. Favourite thing to do when it’s raining?

78. Favourite Disney character?
I like them all!

79. Do you like coffee? If so what is your favourite brand?
Depends what mood I’m in

Commenting, Kindle skins and hairy toothbrushes

I have just tried posting a reply comment to one of Last Alliance's comments on my Top Ten Irritating Things post, and Blogspot has made me log in no less than seven times.  I'm really sorry, but I gave up on the seventh attempt.  It was getting frustrating and fed up, so threw in the towel and stopped trying.  Many apologies!

Whilst floating on the Amazon (yes, the website, not the river), I found an absolutely gorgeous Kindle skin.  I would love to get it for my Kindle (which, by the way is awesometastical).  I love owls, and I love that style of art.  Happy much?  On the birthday present list.

And hairy toothbrushes.  An explanation?  Yes!  I've got a Julip pit pony called Gertie, who is a gorgeous little fleabitten grey with a black mane and tail.  The mane and tail has not been as wild and Shetland-y as I would like it to be - so...
I dug out my black mohair and I have used what little PVA glue I could find (fear not, I have more now) and started preparing some hair for her.  Using Last Alliance's hairing tutorial, which recommends using an old toothbrush to tug out the hair which isn't stuck in.  Hence the hairiness of my ancient toothbrush.  :D

Monday, 20 June 2011

Photoshop issues, a Staples bargain and missing paintbrushes

Gah, is it just me PSE 7 won't cooperate with?!  I am attempting to make a scrapbook-style page about myself and the first step is rotating the notebook page. 

And Photoshop refuses to show me how!

I have to say, it is getting on my nerves.  If anyone could tell me how, I'd appreciate it!

I went to Staples today in search of a ringbinder, and got a very nice one too.  On browsing a bit, I found a fantastic patent leather journal (which is very smart) for under £5.00.  I was very excited, having thought you could only get them at large prices. 

Cue much happiness!!

One thing aside from the Photoshop thing is my lack of paintbrushes.  They have all run away and deserted me.  I can't find any. 

My top ten randomly irritating things

Yes, we all have these niggles!  Here are my top ten most annoying things.

In reverse order...

10.  Plastic, manufactured pop music.  I like classical, jazz and rock.  Absolutely no rap.
9.  People who mispronounce German words, especially 'fünf' (five).
8.  Twilight and all associated books.  Bleurgh.  Also when you can't read a decent fanfiction without looking further down the list for more, and there's one entitled 'what Bella/Edward/whoever would do...'  It's an obsession and I don't like it.
7.  Highschool Musical, Hannah Montana and other Disney Channel rubbish.  I like REAL Disney.
6.  Text language.  Especially from people who have full QWERTY keyboards on their phones.  I don't, and I still manage to text in correct English!  Similarly, American English, i.e. colo(u)r, neighbo(u)r etc. and improper spelling and grammar.  Pedantic much?!  I can perfectly understand it if the person has dyslexia or similar, though.  Continuing this (I could write about this all night!), when people text-speak a phrase just for the sake of it.  Things where there are just as many syllables, but they abbreviate it to letters.  I
5.  Street type rappers and people who think they're 'hard' and 'tough'.  They seem very stylised to me, like they're not them.
4.  People who say 'why can't everyone speak the same language'.  I used to be one of these.  Then I discovered German and it can be truly fascinating to learn a new language.  It's culture.
3.  People who say 'it's just a horse/cat/dog etc.'  I could say that they are 'just a person'.  Animals stop me from being 'just a person'.
2.  People who call you a geek just because you like watching/writing/reading sci fi.
1.  People who are rude/critical/plain cruel via forums etc, even if it's not aimed at me, just because they think you can't get them punished.

This has probably made me sound really bitter and hateful, but some things just have to be said.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

First post!

Yay!  I've got myself a proper blog!  I am an avid collector of Julip model horses, and I'm called julipfarm or TheBlackCatKnowsAll on most forums.  Looking forward to posting more!